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Svenska Sparre
SEK Sparre


500 kr

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Presentkorten är giltiga i 12 månader från inköpsdatum och kan endast användas i den butik där de köptes (wydefootwear.com).

kr 500.00
kr 1,000.00
kr 2,200.00
kr 5,000.00
Screenshot 2024-10-25
500 kr
kr 500.00
kr 1,000.00
kr 2,200.00
kr 5,000.00
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why get functional footwear?

We aim to reintroduce the innate human foot function that we believe can be restored in nearly everyone. Our shoes are meticulously designed to mirror the form of real feet, ensuring that you don't have to compromise between style and comfort. You deserve both, and we're here to deliver.
Happier feet

We have assisted thousands of individuals in breaking free from tight shoes and reclaiming their foot freedom.

Penna och linjal
Deformity Prevention

In our study, 'The Shoe Effect,' we have scientifically proven that modern footwear contributes to foot deformities.

Improve Mobility and Flexibility

We believe that the foot plays a central role in overall bodily function. Experience it for yourself!

Foot Strength

Another study demonstrates that wearing functional footwear led to a 57.4% improvement in foot strength